Voting Rules in Voice of the Jungle

Make your voice heard in our second Jungle activity: Voice of the Jungle. Use Voting power to vote for your favorite DApps, your votes help shape the ecosystem, make your 'roar' heard and you will be rewarded with Morph Points.

What is voting power?

To enhance our ecosystem and community, we’ve introduced a voting program to attract more valuable projects and DApps to the Morph ecosystem. Earn Voting Power through daily check-ins and unlocking bonus Mystery Boxes. Remember, it is the act of spending your Voting Power that earns you Morph Points, not the amount of unused Voting Power. At the end of the event, your Moph Points rewards will be calculated based on how much Voting Power you utilized, so be sure to vote every day!

How can I use my Voting Power?

You can utilize your Voting Power on the voting page to support projects that you like. You can vote for different projects and earn Points for the projects you vote for.

Voting rules:

1)Acquire Voting Power in two ways: daily check-ins and bonus Mystery Boxes.

  1. To record your Voting Power and voting activities, you must sign in with your Web3 wallet. This verifies your Voting Power, without granting access to your assets.
  2. You can allocate up to 100 Voting Power to each individual project per day. If you wish to vote more, you must wait until the next day.
  3. Voting Power spent on a project is immediately consumed; it cannot be reused for multiple projects.
  4. Only the act of voting will earn you Morph Points; simply accumulating Voting Power without using it will not earn you Morph Points for this activity.

Daily Check-in Rules:

Earn Voting Power by checking in daily. On the first day that you check-in, you will receive 2 Voting Power. On day two, you will receive 2 more Voting Power plus the same amount of Voting Power you received the previous day. After checking in for 7 days in a row, your Voting Power reward for that 7th day will be doubled to 28. So if you consistently check in for a week, you will receive 70 Voting Power total:

2(Day 1) + 4(Day 2) + 6(Day 3) + 8(Day 4) + 10(Day 5) + 12(Day 6) + 28(Day 7 you get a 2x multiplier bonus [14*2]) = 70

Please remember that on the 8th consecutive check-in day, your Voting Power reward will be reset back to 2, as this marks the beginning of a new 7-day cycle. However, to reward your commitment, on the 14th consecutive day, your bonus multiplier will be increased to 3x for that day. This means that on the fourteenth day, you actually receive 56 Voting Power. In fact, every consecutive day that you check in that lands on a multiple of 7, your bonus multiplier will increase by an additional factor compared to the previous week.

So if you consistently check in every day for a month or four weeks in a row, you will receive a total of 448 Voting Power:

(2+4+6+8+10+12)x4=168 The same increasing Voting Power for the first 6 days of each week + (28+56+84+112) = 280 The 7th day reward with an increasing multiplier each week = 448

Tip: Please note that forgetting to check in one day will disrupt the 7-day cycle resetting it completely. This means you will start over from day one if that happens. For instance, if you have consistently checked in for 2 days but forgot on the 3rd day, you will only receive 2 Voting Power on the 4th day instead of 8.