How to Bridge ETH to Morph with Owlto Finance
Please make sure you’ve reviewed our other guides on how to connect and verify your account with Morph Zoo Season 2 for the first time.
- Visit
- Click the Morph Zoo icon on the lower right corner of the page.
- Within the Season 2 section click the Let’s Go button.

- Select your preferred wallet, log in, and follow the accept the pop-up prompts to connect your wallet to Morph.
Please Note:
- If you Bridge using Bitget Wallet, you receive a special 1.2x multiplier on your Morph Point rewards.
- Click the Bridge option from the left-side navigation menu.
- Under the Use other bridges section, click the Owlto Finance button.
- You will be taken to Owlto Finance’s website. Click the Connect Wallet button on the top right corner.
- Make sure you’re on the EVM tab, then select your preferred wallet. For this example, we will continue with Bitget Wallet, but the process will be similar regardless of the wallet you use.
- Click Connect in your wallet notification.
- With your wallet connected, make sure you have Ethereum as the From network, Morph as the To network, and ETH as the token to send. Then, enter the amount of tokens you wish to bridge and click Send.
- Confirm the transaction within your wallet.
- Once completed, the screen will update with a completion message and checkmarks for both Source and Destination.
- If you open your wallet and change your network to Morph, your bridged ETH will be available.